Ferdinand Phinizy I
the original immigrant & merchant
(1761 - 1818)
Information of interest to the descendants of
the immigrant Ferdinand Phinizy
"The origin of the name Phinizy has never been documented and present knowledge must depend only on family tradition that Ferdinand Phinizy came from Parma, Italy, and served in America with the French troops of Rochambeau's Army during the American Revolution. The name as it has been spelled since its first appearance in 1788 is neither Italian nor French and must for some unknown reason have been invented."
from the Preface of Grandmother Was a Phinizy
by Ferdinand Phinizy Calhoun, Jr.
Web Address: http://www.phinizy.net/
E-mail Address: phinizy@mindspring.com, and phinizy.calhoun@gmail.com
This site originally compiled, composed and created by Ferdinand Phinizy Calhoun III with Microsoft FrontPage 98, Netscape Composer 4.04, Adobe PageMaker 6.5, Allaire HomeSite 4.0, and Microsoft Notepad for Windows 95 in June 1999.
This site's domain (www.phinizy.net) was moved to www.wix.com and is currently being updated using the Wix.com software in December 2018.
Flash - Announcing
the 2019 Phinizy Lecture
& Family Reunion
Save the Dates:
Friday & Saturday,
February 22 & 23, 2019
click here for details